Safety and Hygiene
Does WubbaNub ™ and Little Arthur contain harmful substances?
The Wubbanub and Little Arthur are completely free of harmful substances, so completely BPA, PVC and plasticizer free.
How secure is WubbaNub
The Wubbanub meets the strictest American safety standards and meets all requirements for use in hospitals.
The Wubbanub also meets all European standards; EN 1400, EN 71-1 and EN 71-2.
Is the WubbaNub hygienic?
The teat part of the Wubbanub consists of one part, so no bacteria can remain nooks and crannies.
The WubbaNub ™ is a whole: a Soothie ™ teat developed by Philips ™ with a patented plush toy animal permanently attached to it.
How long can I use WubbaNub or Little Arthur?
You can use Wubbanub until your child starts teething. Little Arthur can provide you with a Jollypop plus teat so that if your child has novice teeth, it can also be used.
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